9am - 5pm PST, Mon. - Fri.
Reading is an obsession of mine. I’m never without a book in my purse and always have a pile waiting to be read next to my bed. I’ve been known to stay up all night just to finish a book I couldn’t put down. While I have a Kindle and use it often, nothing will ever take the place of paper books for me.
Because books are so precious to me, I do what I can to take care of them. That means removing dust jackets from hardback books and never, ever dog-earing the pages. In a pinch, I use Post-it Notes to mark my place, but they are so boring! That’s when I got the idea to make a bunch of bookmarks to have on hand using easy to find craft supplies.
To make simple bookmarks, all you really need is some sort of string or fiber, and a charm. You can use bezels, grubby tags, beads, or almost anything else! You can stamp a single word on a tag and embellish it with mica, or you can put a letter sticker inside a bezel, and fill it with Diamond Glaze. Simply tie your charm to your string or fiber and make a knot at the other end.
Reading is an obsession of mine. I’m never without a book in my purse and always have a pile waiting to be read next to my bed. I’ve been known to stay up all night just to finish a book I couldn’t put down. While I have a Kindle and use it often, nothing will ever take the place of paper books for me.
Because books are so precious to me, I do what I can to take care of them. That means removing dust jackets from hardback books and never, ever dog-earing the pages. In a pinch, I use Post-it Notes to mark my place, but they are so boring! That’s when I got the idea to make a bunch of bookmarks to have on hand using easy to find craft supplies.
To make simple bookmarks, all you really need is some sort of string or fiber, and a charm. You can use bezels, grubby tags, beads, or almost anything else! You can stamp a single word on a tag and embellish it with mica, or you can put a letter sticker inside a bezel, and fill it with Diamond Glaze. Simply tie your charm to your string or fiber and make a knot at the other end.