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For a limited time, download this PDF to gain instant access to Bella Grace Issue 4 across your desktop, tablet, and mobile devices!
If you haven’t yet experienced Bella Grace, this is the moment – right here, right now – to join this incredible, empowering movement. Our latest issue takes you on a soothing, summer drive, shares a moving, sometimes unexpected portrait of sisterhood, and shows you how to lose and find yourself through travel. Emma Tree chases the light; Maddie Mulvaney embraces the messy, and their words, their photography are goose-bump raising. Must-read features also include: reclaiming and re-living the summers of our childhoods, choosing acceptance in “My Selfie in Words,” “The Forest is my World and This Backpack is my Home,” and seeking simple goodness.
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, set up a life you don’t need to escape from” — Seth Godin (p. 118)
“Summer. Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better.” — Unknown (p. 43)
“She was free in her wildness. She was a wandress, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.” — Roman Payne (p. 53)
“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.” — Charles Dickens (p. 54)
“Sleep with your limbs dangling off the edge of the bed to let the monsters know you are willing.” — Unknown (p. 61)
"Allow the subtle things to be glorious. Flip fear into courage. Sweetly anticipate nothing in particular. Be rocked and riveted by the ordinary. Think poetically. Look for the beauty. Create magic. Be love." — Victoria Erickson (p. 20)
“I like cancelled plans. And empty bookstores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings.” — Unknown (p. 74)
“I will cherish this story that is now written on my arm.” — Jessica Kratzberg | From “Sisterhood: A Side-By-Side Journey” (p. 48)
"Serendipity is not our destination, but consists of the quaint stops along the way where we encounter either life-changing events or sudden soul-shivering moments of utter joy." — Jennifer Clawson Farnes | From "We Breathe" (p. 9)
“She was fascinated with words. To her, words were things of beauty, each like a magical powder or potion that could be combined with other words to create powerful spells.” — Dean Koontz (p. 145)
*This download is compatible with any device that supports PDFs. In some cases, you might need to download Adobe Acrobat, for free, to be able to view PDFs on your device.
For a limited time, download this PDF to gain instant access to Bella Grace Issue 4 across your desktop, tablet, and mobile devices!
If you haven’t yet experienced Bella Grace, this is the moment – right here, right now – to join this incredible, empowering movement. Our latest issue takes you on a soothing, summer drive, shares a moving, sometimes unexpected portrait of sisterhood, and shows you how to lose and find yourself through travel. Emma Tree chases the light; Maddie Mulvaney embraces the messy, and their words, their photography are goose-bump raising. Must-read features also include: reclaiming and re-living the summers of our childhoods, choosing acceptance in “My Selfie in Words,” “The Forest is my World and This Backpack is my Home,” and seeking simple goodness.
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, set up a life you don’t need to escape from” — Seth Godin (p. 118)
“Summer. Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better.” — Unknown (p. 43)
“She was free in her wildness. She was a wandress, a drop of free water. She belonged to no man and to no city.” — Roman Payne (p. 53)
“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.” — Charles Dickens (p. 54)
“Sleep with your limbs dangling off the edge of the bed to let the monsters know you are willing.” — Unknown (p. 61)
"Allow the subtle things to be glorious. Flip fear into courage. Sweetly anticipate nothing in particular. Be rocked and riveted by the ordinary. Think poetically. Look for the beauty. Create magic. Be love." — Victoria Erickson (p. 20)
“I like cancelled plans. And empty bookstores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings.” — Unknown (p. 74)
“I will cherish this story that is now written on my arm.” — Jessica Kratzberg | From “Sisterhood: A Side-By-Side Journey” (p. 48)
"Serendipity is not our destination, but consists of the quaint stops along the way where we encounter either life-changing events or sudden soul-shivering moments of utter joy." — Jennifer Clawson Farnes | From "We Breathe" (p. 9)
“She was fascinated with words. To her, words were things of beauty, each like a magical powder or potion that could be combined with other words to create powerful spells.” — Dean Koontz (p. 145)
*This download is compatible with any device that supports PDFs. In some cases, you might need to download Adobe Acrobat, for free, to be able to view PDFs on your device.