9am - 5pm PST, Mon. - Fri.
Welcome in spring with this inspiring and informative issue. Our Doll Artist Profile showcases Alana Tibbets, who utilizes traditional techniques to create dolls derived from her previous work as a biologist. We’re also thrilled to show an article on Dolls of The Masquerade Ball from the Houston Quilt Festival, teeny-tiny (and we mean really teeny!) dolls created from wood turnings by Margaret Crossland, and metal sculpture dolls by Lynn Wartski. Last, but not least, the circus has come to town, and we proudly present clowns, animals, strong men, an illustrated lady, aerial dancers, trapeze artists, and more.
Welcome in spring with this inspiring and informative issue. Our Doll Artist Profile showcases Alana Tibbets, who utilizes traditional techniques to create dolls derived from her previous work as a biologist. We’re also thrilled to show an article on Dolls of The Masquerade Ball from the Houston Quilt Festival, teeny-tiny (and we mean really teeny!) dolls created from wood turnings by Margaret Crossland, and metal sculpture dolls by Lynn Wartski. Last, but not least, the circus has come to town, and we proudly present clowns, animals, strong men, an illustrated lady, aerial dancers, trapeze artists, and more.