See also: Submission Guidelines | Tips for Getting Published
Which magazine are you interested in being published in?
New in 2025! A Somerset Halloween
A Somerset Holiday | Art Journaling | Art Quilting Studio |
Bella Grace | Belle Armoire Jewelry | GreenCraft |
In Her Garden | In Her Studio | Mingle |
Somerset Studio | Willow and Sage | The Candle Issue |

We’re excited to announce a new publication joining our Stampington & Company family in 2025! Similar to A Somerset Holiday, this special issue will feature all things Halloween, from creative gatherings and handcrafted decor, to art dolls and handmade cards.
A Somerset Halloween will present a spooky world of festive fun to enhance the autumn season, putting together an inspirational, instructional guidebook for the Halloween crafter, complete with both simple and complex artwork projects ranging from art dolls and primitives, handmade cards, and art journals, to themed gatherings and celebrations, homemade bath and body projects, and decor. We invite you to join in the celebration and submit your very favorite Halloween-themed artwork, gifts, decor, and more. Think modern Halloween with a touch of whimsy and loads of creativity. We’re looking for artistic techniques, eye-catching inspiration, and an array of crafty knowledge. Please submit your most festive DIY projects to be considered for this stunning, full-color 144-page publication.
Deadline: April 1st, 2025
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Handcrafted Projects for Christmas & the Holiday Season
Christmastime is when most crafters truly shine — it is the time to create beautiful handmade gifts, lovely wrapping and cards, and artful decorative pieces. In this upcoming issue of A Somerset Holiday, we are aiming to create an inspirational, instructional companion for the holiday crafter with an abundance of simple projects, covering everything from artwork and gifts, to creating the packaging and tags labeling each memorable gift item. We invite you to join in the celebrations and submit your very favorite holiday-themed artwork, gifts, and more. Projects that might spring to mind are Christmas cards, gift wrapping paper, wreaths, advent calendars, and quick and easy gift ideas (i.e. face scrubs, gift baskets, imaginative gift card holders, stocking stuffers, candles, food/beverage ideas, and so on). Start a lasting tradition by giving gifts straight from the heart and made with your own hands. Please submit your most festive DIY projects to be considered for this stunning, full-color 144-page publication.
Deadline: Every May 15th
A Little Bit Handmade
The holidays are a very busy time, so it is not always easy to have the time to make something by hand. In this department, we aim to take a purchased item and personalize it in some way. For instance, taking a thrifted coffee mug and turning it into a hot cocoa kit, making a scarf in 20 minutes or less from a yard or two of fabric, or altering a Moleskine journal for the recipient with their monogram in a faux-calligraphy style. These are creative, inexpensive, simple projects that ideally take 30 minutes or less to make.
Deadline: Every May 15th
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In every quarterly issue of Art Journaling, artists open their journals and share creative techniques for capturing their emotions. From stamping and collage art to painting and sketching, each journal is filled with innovative techniques and inspirational stories. If you have an art journal that you would like to share with our readers, we would love to hear from you.
Deadline: every August 15th, November 15th, February 15th, and May 15th.
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Quilting and mixed-media techniques come together in stunning works of art in Art Quilting Studio. Each issue features a variety of articles, showcasing quilts that exhibit artistic techniques, unexpected materials, and inspiring stories. Art Quilting Studio also includes a number of recurring departments: Artist Portfolio, Series Showcase, Art Quilt Walking, Quilting the Odd and Unusual, and The Last Page (see details below). Whether for a feature article or for a specific department, we welcome quilters of all levels and styles to submit their artwork for consideration.
Deadlines: January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th
Artist Portfolio
In this department, we showcase the artwork and story of an artist with an impressive portfolio.
Series Showcase
Here, we highlight an extraordinary series of quilts created by one artist.
Art Quilt Walking
This department features quilted, wearable arts, including clothing, accessories, jewelry, and more.
Quilting the Odd and Unusual
These are not your ordinary quilts — the quilts included in this department encompass a specific and unique theme.
The Last Page
On The Last Page — which is literally the last page of every issue — we feature a single quilt that has a special meaning or inspiring story behind it.
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Bella Grace is a print publication devoted to discovering magic in the ordinary. Our aim is to touch the souls of our readers through beautifully penned stories and striking photographs that capture life's beautiful journey.
At Bella Grace, we believe that:
- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- An ordinary life can be an extraordinary life.
- There is beauty and magic to be found everywhere.
- It's OK to embrace imperfection.
- Life should be lived with a full heart and open eyes.
Bella Grace is currently seeking submissions from writers and photographers who share these same beliefs.
What We Are Looking For
We are currently looking for original narratives and poetry that focus on the idea that "life is a beautiful adventure." Submitted work can be about simple pleasures, life lessons learned, slowing down, embracing your authentic self, and more. Written submissions can include accompanying photography, but we will also pair writers up with photographers if necessary.
Picture submissions should capture the spirit of Bella Grace. They should depict simple moments, bits of romance, feelings of happiness, etc. Photography can be submitted on its own and will be considered for use with narratives or as the background for some of the quotes featured throughout the book.
Who doesn’t love making a great list? Creating lists can be a very effective and inspiring form of writing. They’re also incredibly fun to read! We aren’t looking for your grocery list; we’re looking for your life lists. A few ideas include 10 Ways to Turn a Day Around, 5 Times I Laughed Uncontrollably, and 15 Things I’d Tell My 15-Year-Old Self. Make it funny, make it sweet … the choice is yours.
Instagram Collections
Who doesn’t love Instagram? As artists and creatives, it’s such a great way to beautifully share our days with others. It also serves as a diary to help us document our days. In each issue of Bella Grace we feature a few Instagram collections. We’re now opening this up to submissions! All you need to do is send 15 images that you feel capture your Instagram and a statement about what living a Bella Grace life means to you to If selected, you will need to provide high-resolution images that can be printed at 5" x 5", 300 dpi.
Ideas To Get You Started
We are happy to receive general submissions, but in case you need a few ideas to get you started, we are also looking for responses (photographic or written or both) to the following prompts:
Stories of Self-Love
Most of us have our own bag of tricks we turn to when we need to show ourselves a little love and kindness. For our editor-in-chief, it’s a quiet night spent under her very favorite blanket and the first book in the Harry Potter series. It never fails to brighten her spirits. What is it you turn to? What’s your recipe for self-love? (Lists and narratives accepted.)
Small, Random Acts of Kindness
It's been said that you never know what another person might be going through, so it's important to be kind with everyone. A small gesture, such as a flower placed on a car windshield or an anonymous note left for someone to find, can make a huge impact. For an upcoming issue of Bella Grace, we are hoping to gather as many ideas for committing random acts of kindness as we possibly can. Furthermore, if you have a story to share about the impact an act of kindness has had on you, we'd love to hear it.
You in a Song
Wouldn't it be great to have a theme song for yourself? One that would be played as though you were in a movie? Here in our office, we've been asking each other what a song about them would sound like, and what lyrics it would contain. Now, we want to issue the same question to you. If someone wrote a song about you, what would the lyrics be?
Super Sassy Bios
One of the most challenging assignments can be to write a biography for yourself. No matter how short the requirement, the task can be daunting. While perusing blogs, we've spied some really clever bios, some so unique that we can't help but feel we know that blogger. In 30 words or less, what can you say about yourself? Don't be boring and follow the usual format. Make it fun and attention-grabbing.
Bella Grace is released on a quarterly basis: March, June, September, and December. Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis, but must be received on or before the following dates to be considered for a specific issue.
Deadline for Submissions:
Summer Issue — January 15th • Autumn Issue — April 15th • Winter Issue — July 15th • Spring Issue — October 15th
For consideration, please send any of the above to:
Click here to download our guide for submitting photographs. It will also show you how to convert images to the correct size and resolution for this publication.
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If you'd like to share your inspiration and detailed, how-to instructions for creating beautiful jewelry with readers, we want to hear from you. Belle Armoire Jewelry covers a broad range of mediums, such as polymer clay, metal working, lamp work, wire-wrapping, mixed-media, and much more. Whether you create necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, rings, or other jewelry, we welcome you to submit your artwork to be considered for publication.
Deadline: Every October 15th and April 15th.
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We’re looking for projects that show creative uses for old items and Earth-friendly materials. We want your best ideas for taking something that might be headed for the waste bin and turning it into home decor, gifts, pretty packaging, jewelry, clothing, and more. Ideas for adopting a low-waste lifestyle will also be considered. When working, keep these words in mind: stylish, sustainable, functional, and chic.
For the Home
One of the most exciting parts of upcycling items is when you can re-use an item to make something for your home. We want to see your take on upcycled items that can be used around the house. Throw pillows, organizational solutions, linens for the kitchen … the only limit is your imagination.
Deadline: Ongoing
GreenCraft Walking
Who doesn’t love a cleverly upcycled accessory? An old tote can be given a quick makeover; a stained T-shirt can be bleached or dyed in a unique fashion; you can even turn broken bits of jewelry into a new statement piece. We want to see your take on upcycled clothing and accessories. Dig through your donation piles and show us what you can come up with.
Deadline: Ongoing
All About Plants
It’s no secret that the world has gone crazy for all things related to plants. Caring for them, creating unique containers to hold them … we can’t get enough. We want to see your unique take on planters. You can give an old one a facelift, or share how to create one completely from scratch, show us projects that are perfect for everyone with a green thumb.
Deadline: Ongoing
Simply Green
Do you have a quick and easy idea for a sustainable craft? We’re always looking for simple eco-friendly projects that can be created in just a few minutes using limited supplies.
Deadline: Ongoing
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On the pages of In Her Garden, readers can explore inspiring outdoor spaces along with creative DIY projects for and from the garden. Whether you’re a gardener, an artist, or a bit of both, submit your space or project for a chance to be published in In Her Garden!
What we’re looking for:
- Photos of inspirational outdoor spaces — lush gardens, charming “She Sheds,” thriving greenhouses, entertaining spaces, and all the inspiring details in-between
- Creative DIY projects for the garden — from planters, pots, and stepping stones, to wind chimes, patio decor, plant markers, and more
- Creations that bring the outdoors in — combine the flowers and plants from your garden with home decor, paper crafts, wearable art, and other art forms
Deadlines for Submissions:
March (Spring) issue: October 15th
June (Summer) issue: January 15th
Email your photo submission(s) to, or visit our Submission Guidelines page to learn how to submit your DIY projects.
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In Her Studio showcases the creative spaces and stories of female artists, designers, and makers. We invite artists and creatives of all kinds to submit photos of their creative spaces to be considered for publication.
Whether you have a dedicated room or you create in an artistic corner, send us a variety of photos that show off your entire space, the interesting details within it, finished and in-progress work, and don't forget the artist at work!
Either email the photos to the address listed below, or use a file-sharing website. If possible, please do not use a link that expires to share the photos; if it expires, we will have to request that you resend your submission. Include a short statement introducing yourself and explaining what you create in your studio.
Deadlines for Submissions:
February (Spring) issue: September 15th
May (Summer) issue: December 15th
August (Autumn) issue: March 15th
November (Winter) issue: June 15th
Know any creative women you would like to see featured within its pages? We want to hear from you!
Email to send us your ideas and submit your own creative space for publication consideration.
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Unique gatherings take center stage inside Mingle magazine! From intimate art retreats and dinner parties, to creative, one-of-a-kind celebrations, Mingle provides the inspiration you need to plan extraordinary holiday gatherings with an artistic flair. For this newly annual publication, we are looking for stunning photographs and stories from unique holiday-themed gatherings such as the following:
- General Fall: celebrating the apple harvest and all things pumpkin; dinner parties; themed birthdays, baby showers, and handcrafted wedding events; art retreats; etc.
- Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving: gathering with loved ones to celebrate gratitude
- General Winter: ice-skating adventures; hot chocolate bars; dinner parties; themed birthdays, baby showers, and handcrafted wedding events; art retreats; etc
- Festive December Parties: gift-wrapping night; favorite seasonal movie watch party; Hanukkah celebrations; Christmas soirees; etc.
- New Year’s Eve: gathering with loved ones to celebrate the new year
- Seasonal Party Details: stunning aspects of an event
This is just a sampling of the items we are looking for to publish in this holiday-themed issue of Mingle. Submissions and questions can be emailed to the editor at If selected, we will need hi-res versions of your photographs.
Deadline: Every May 15th
Click here to download our guide for how to submit photographs. It will also show you how to convert images to the correct size and resolution for this publication.
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As the leading mixed-media publication, Somerset Studio aims to share the latest tips, tricks, and techniques being used in the art community, as well as share tales of creativity through essays. Each issue has a selected theme that we provide to give artists inspiration for their work, but we also accept submissions that do not follow a selected theme. All submission samples should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief as outlined in our Submission Guidelines.
Somerset Studio is published on a quarterly basis. We take general submissions (art journals, collages, assemblages, art dolls, art jewelry, altered books, etc.) on an ongoing basis. To be considered for a specific issue, please refer to the following deadlines:
Who doesn’t love packing up a duffel bag or suitcase and heading out on a trip? Whether it’s a big adventure abroad or just an overnight stay in a nearby town, travel can bring out our best selves. The new sights offer fresh inspiration, and disconnecting from our everyday lives, even if it’s just for a day, revitalizes us. For the Autumn 2025 Issue, we’re asking you to “hit the road” and create travel-inspired artwork. From art journals that hold precious mementos from your time away to postcard-inspired mixed-media work, we want to see it all.
It’s not often we issue a challenge or theme that’s focused on a specific material because it might feel limiting to our artists. However, cardboard is something with limitless possibilities, and we couldn’t be more excited to see what our artists come up with that uses it. It can be used as a substrate or torn up to reveal the corrugated portion as a nice textural addition to a piece. You can use a lot of it or just a tiny piece — the choice is yours. For the Winter 2026 Issue, send us journal pages, assemblages, or any other mixed- media art that includes cardboard.
Working with a lot of color can be intimidating for many artists. Achieving just the right balance of hues without going overboard can be a challenge. What better time to challenge our artists to create artwork filled with color for our Spring 2026 Issue, than when we’re putting the gray days of winter behind us? We invite you to join our celebration of color by creating collages, assemblages, mixed-media work, and more that is bright, bold, and beautiful.
Deadlines for General Submissions:
February (Spring) issue: September 15th
May (Summer) issue: December 15th
August (Autumn) issue: March 15th
November (Winter) issue: June 15th
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Willow and Sage features natural, handmade products that soothe both body and soul. We're paying special attention to unique packaging and the art of presentation, and we want YOU to be a part of the next issue!
Here's what we're looking for:
• bath salts and soaks • solid perfumes • natural scents • homemade soaps • chemical-free lotions and make-up • toiletries (such as deodorant and toothpaste) • hair treatments, spray-in conditioners, and dry shampoos • face masks • sugar scrubs • soy and wax candles • unique spa kits • gift bundles • handmade bath and body products in beautiful packaging • lifestyle stories that touch on adopting a natural lifestyle • and more
Deadlines for Submission:
February (Spring) issue: September 15th
May (Summer) issue: December 15th
August (Autumn) issue: March 15th Extended to April 4th!
November (Winter) issue: June 15th
For consideration, please send high-resolution digital project photographs to:
We also accept submissions by mail:
Stampington & Company
Attn: Willow and Sage
22992 Mill Creek Drive
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

The Candle Issue is a special interest publication from Willow and Sage that's devoted to the art of candle making, and we want you to be a part of the next issue!
We're looking for a variety of submissions, including, but not limited to the following:
- Tutorials on making soy and wax candles of all kinds
- Wax melts
- Interesting packaging ideas
- Ways to use unique candle vessels
- Scent blends
- Profiles on candle makers
- Tips and tricks for making your candles last
- And more
Deadline for Submissions: July 15th
For consideration, please send high-resolution digital project photographs to:
We also accept submissions by mail:
Stampington & Company
Attn: Willow and Sage
22992 Mill Creek Drive
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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