Somerset Apprentice Spring 2015
The spring issue of Somerset Apprentice is bursting with wonderful artwork that is sure to inspire you. Learn the fundamentals of creating Somerset-esque artwork or simply perfect what you already know with easy-to-understand instructions and close-up photos by artists like Linda Trenholm, Ivy Newport, Kathy McCreedy, Laly Mille, Anne Bagby, Cynthia Shaffer, and Lynn Whipple. Join us as these artists share the secrets to creating stunning layered collages, mixed-media masterpieces, and assemblage art. Our From the Pros section includes tips and tricks from artists Sarah Ahearn Bellemare, Lisa McIlvain, Caterina Giglio, Mandy Russell, Renee Stien, and others.

The spring issue of Somerset Apprentice is bursting with wonderful artwork that is sure to inspire you. Learn the fundamentals of creating Somerset-esque artwork or simply perfect what you already know with easy-to-understand instructions and close-up photos by artists like Linda Trenholm, Ivy Newport, Kathy McCreedy, Laly Mille, Anne Bagby, Cynthia Shaffer, and Lynn Whipple. Join us as these artists share the secrets to creating stunning layered collages, mixed-media masterpieces, and assemblage art. Our From the Pros section includes tips and tricks from artists Sarah Ahearn Bellemare, Lisa McIlvain, Caterina Giglio, Mandy Russell, Renee Stien, and others.