What is a junk journal? It is a one-of-a-kind, eclectic 'you' type of book. The beauty of a junk journal is that it can be anything you want it to be. Not only does junk journaling provide a creat ...
A Tour of Our Journaling Magazines (Post)Grab your favorite pen, a cup of coffee, and clear a few hours for yourself. As you wander through the pages of these publications, you’ll uncover a wealth of journaling inspiration. Shine a sp ...
9 Unique Art Journaling Ideas for Creative Exploration (Post)What seamlessly blends artistry, writing, and personal reflection? Art journaling goes beyond creating aesthetically pleasing pages. As a form of self-expression with multiple therapeutic b ...
25 Art Journaling Prompts Recommended by Published Artists (Post)The dreaded blank page can sometimes stop us in our tracks when we sit down to art journal. We don’t know whether to start with choosing a topic or theme, writing down our thoughts, or putting tog ...
10 Ways to Use Tags in Your Art Journal (Post)Today the managing editor of Art Journaling, Amber Demien, stops by Somerset Place to share a variety of creative ways to use tags in your own journal! My favorite thing about mixed-medi ...
The Healing Power of Art Journaling (Post)As kids, we naturally dive into creativity with a carefree spirit, expressing ourselves through singing, dancing, and drawing without fear of judgment. Such freedom and joy, sadly, are often lost ...
DIY Gratitude Journal (Post)As the year comes to a close, it's tradition to reflect on the things we're most grateful for. Whether it's simple moments spent expressing creativity or making memories with loved ones, we enc ...
How to Construct and Deconstruct a Cardboard Journal with Guest Artist Michelle Ward (Post)We have a very special guest artist visiting Somerset Place! Please join us in welcoming to our blog the incredibly talented Michelle Ward. A gifted instructor, rubber stamp and stencil designer, ...
How to Use Journaling to Overcome a Creative Block (Post)Even the most creative and dynamic artists fall into a slump from time to time. If you're finding it difficult to overcome a creative block, we recommend pulling out a journal and letting your tho ...
12 Art Journal Pages That Capture the Essence of Each Month (Post)One of the many wonderful things about art journaling is that it allows us to capture the moments of our lives. We can look back through a journal and see those memories replay on the page, whether ...
When the Political Feels Personal Altered Book Journal (Post)We're thrilled to share an article by Ana Campos that was originally featured in Art Journaling Winter 2017 and now reformatted to fit this space. Enjoy! Throughout my life, I have always kept a ...
Capturing Summertime in Your Art Journal (Post)Summer is a season synonymous with travel, outdoor adventures, and childhood memories — all of which are great topics to explore on the pages of your art journal! We’ve brought together a colle ...
12 Creative Ways to Use Vintage Photos in Your Art Journal (Post)Vintage photos are often used in art journals to help the artist tell a story. We can’t help but wonder who the people in the photo were, what their lives were like, or what they were thinking ...
30 Art Journaling Tips From Mixed-Media Artists (Post)Art Journaling magazine always contains a wealth of advice from the artists who generously share their work within its pages. From practical tips to inspiring ideas and even motivational mess ...
Mixed-Media Fabric Journal: From Bits to Pieces (Post)Article originally published in Art Journaling Autumn 2017There are so many amazing journals in previous issues of Art Journaling. When I purchased my first copy years ago, I was intrigu ...
10 Ways to Use Vintage Photos in Mixed-Media Art (Post)Blog post by Amber Demien, editor of Art Journaling I often think that looking at mixed-media art is like a creative scavenger hunt or game of “I Spy.” The closer you look at a canvas or ...
8 Mixed-Media Techniques to Try (Post)We’ve gathered some quick and easy mixed-media techniques that would make great additions to any canvas, art journal page, or creation you can imagine! See below for the inspiration:Technique ...
Glimpse Inside January 2022 Issues + Your Chance to Win! (Post)Welcome 2022! Start off the new year by fueling your creativity with our new issues! Art Journaling offers innovative techniques to up your journaling game while GreenCraft is filled to ...
Calming the Chaos: 6 Relaxing Ways to Express Your Creativity (Post)Hello friends! During these uncertain times when most of us are spending more time at home, it can be all too easy to turn to TV shows and our phones to keep ourselves entertained. With ma ...
20 Creative Lettering Ideas (Post)Words are often a pivotal part of mixed-media artwork, ascribing a concrete message to otherwise symbolic thoughts and feelings. Whether on a canvas, assemblage, or art journal page, a well-cho ...
Tree Book Project with Hand-Carved Stamps by Guest Artist Lynne Moncrieff (Post)We are thrilled to invite talented artist and frequent Stampington contributor, Lynne Moncrieff to the blog today! She is sharing a beautiful stamping project along with instructions on how to ...
Inspiring Gifts for the Artist in Your Life + a Giveaway! (Post)Do you have a friend who is constantly covered in paint, and proudly shows off her ink-smudged hands? Give the artistic women in your life the gift of creativity with items that will inspire her ...
Inspired by Instagram: 5 Creative Instagram Accounts We Love! (Post)Browsing through Instagram is always a wonderful way to discover fresh creative inspiration! Today we're sharing a collection of our favorite artistic Instagram accounts that just may inspire your ...
7 Creative Ways to Transform Tags (Post)Traditionally, tags were thought of as a simple, mundane office supply, used to relay information and nothing more. Thanks to the mixed-media community, tags have become a beloved art supply, prov ...
20 Tips to Overcome Artist's Block (Post)Photo by Anna Kern featured in In Her Studio Summer 2020 Creative block rears its head in many different ways, and sometimes taking the first step is the hardest part. For mixed-med ...
20 Mixed-Media Techniques to Try (Post)The wonderful thing about mixed-media is that anything goes, from materials, to topics, to techniques. But sometimes when you are faced with so many possibilities, you freeze with indecision. We’ ...
Glimpse Inside October Issues + Your Chance to Win! (Post)In need of a little inspiration? Our October issues have you covered! Between our annual edition of A Somerset Holiday and the charming gathering ideas you'll find inside Mingle, you'll discover ...
Glimpse Inside October 2021 Issues + Your Chance to Win! (Post)Our seasonal celebration continues with our brand-new October issues! We are thrilled to introduce the latest installment of our annual edition, A Somerset Holiday. This edition comes around jus ...
Gift Guide for Artists and Creatives (Post)Do you have a friend who is constantly covered in paint, and proudly shows off her ink-smudged hands? Give the artistic women in your life the gift of creativity with items that will inspire her t ...
7 “Novel” Ways to Use Old Books in Your Artwork (Post)We'll make a confession — we love to cut up books. It may sound barbaric, but there is something immensely satisfying about cutting up a book that you were forced to read in school, or a book that yo ...