As artists, writers, and photographers, we know how important it is to nurture our creativity. This year, consider giving the delight of inspiration all year round with a gift subscri ...
Gift Guide for Artists and Creatives (Post)Do you have a friend who is constantly covered in paint, and proudly shows off her ink-smudged hands? Give the artistic women in your life the gift of creativity with items that will inspire her t ...
The Best, Last-Minute Gifts (Post)As much as I try to stay on top of things during the holidays, I always find myself in need of some simple last-minute gifts. What could be easier than something you don’t even have to lea ...
Top Gift Picks for 2022 (Post)The results are in! From the coziest, inspirational pairings to something creative artists will love, here are some of this year's most coveted gifts. 1. Most Sought After: Gift S ...
A Gift Guide for Artists & Creatives! (Post)Project pictured in A Somerset Holiday Volume 15 Do you have a friend who is constantly covered in paint, and proudly shows off her ink-smudged hands? Give the artistic wom ...
A Mother's Day Gift Guide (Post)Mother's Day is just around the corner and we've put together a delightful selection of gift ideas for you to browse! From beautiful sketchbooks and mugs to creative magazine subscriptions, you ar ...
12 Creative Ways to Use Vintage Photos in Your Art Journal (Post)Vintage photos are often used in art journals to help the artist tell a story. We can’t help but wonder who the people in the photo were, what their lives were like, or what they were thinking ...
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Creatives (Post)Project pictured by Diane Adams featured in A Somerset Holiday Volume 14 When the holiday season approaches, we're overwhelmed with gift guides from every direction listing the l ...
Autumnal Bundles for Sinking into Fall (Post)As lovely as summer always is, with its warmer weather beckoning us outdoors, we adore how fall inspires us to turn inward. The cooler weather provides the perfect excuse to spend more time indo ...
Winter Gardening Inspiration from In Her Garden (Post)When the weather turns cold, and it’s time to prepare your garden for winter, don’t despair at losing your leafy-green and brightly bloomed friends — move your efforts indoors! We’ve collected som ...
Finding Serenity in the Studio: Our Favorite Zen Creative Spaces (Post)Hobbies can be an expressive form of meditation — something you do to create a bit of peace and joy in your soul. And while some find peace and mental clarity in a garden or favorite book ...
The Healing Power of Art Journaling (Post)As kids, we naturally dive into creativity with a carefree spirit, expressing ourselves through singing, dancing, and drawing without fear of judgment. Such freedom and joy, sadly, are often lost ...
5 Handcrafted Bookmarks to Help Meet Your Reading Goals (Post)Many of us set reading goals at the beginning of a new year, either to read a certain number of books or perhaps to tackle some titles on our to-be-read lists. Why not combine your reading goals with ...
Artistic Finds for Under $25! Budget-Friendly Items for Creative Projects (Post)Lately, we've been hit hard by price increases on many of our everyday essentials. It feels like they're going up almost everywhere you turn, and we sometimes think we cannot indulge in our ...
Inspiring Gifts for the Artist in Your Life + a Giveaway! (Post)Do you have a friend who is constantly covered in paint, and proudly shows off her ink-smudged hands? Give the artistic women in your life the gift of creativity with items that will inspire her ...
20 Creative Lettering Ideas (Post)Words are often a pivotal part of mixed-media artwork, ascribing a concrete message to otherwise symbolic thoughts and feelings. Whether on a canvas, assemblage, or art journal page, a well-cho ...
5 Festive Themes for a Memorable Christmas Party from Mingle (Post)As the winter air turns brisk and delightful scents of cinnamon and evergreen linger, it's time to start crafting your Christmas celebration plans. To help spark your inspiration, we've gathered f ...
Creative DIY Planters for Your Home & Garden (Post)There are so many creative options for containing your plants, whether outside in your garden or within your home. You can create planters from scratch or simply dress-up store-bought varieties, a ...
7 Creative Ways to Transform Tags (Post)Traditionally, tags were thought of as a simple, mundane office supply, used to relay information and nothing more. Thanks to the mixed-media community, tags have become a beloved art supply, prov ...
180 Songs to Add to Your Studio Playlist (Post)The creative women featured on the pages of In Her Studio are so generous with their advice on everything from how to conquer creative blocks to how to organize your art supplies. But as we all ...
45 Unexpected Studio Essentials (Post)Every artist has those “must-have” items or rituals that are indispensable to her studio practice. Sometimes these essentials are practical, enabling one to create with ease and efficiency, but ...
Capturing Summertime in Your Art Journal (Post)Summer is a season synonymous with travel, outdoor adventures, and childhood memories — all of which are great topics to explore on the pages of your art journal! We’ve brought together a colle ...
12 Art Journal Pages That Capture the Essence of Each Month (Post)One of the many wonderful things about art journaling is that it allows us to capture the moments of our lives. We can look back through a journal and see those memories replay on the page, whether ...
10 Ways to Use Vintage Photos in Mixed-Media Art (Post)Blog post by Amber Demien, editor of Art Journaling I often think that looking at mixed-media art is like a creative scavenger hunt or game of “I Spy.” The closer you look at a canvas or ...
5 Versatile Supplies for Holiday Crafting (Post)Crafting and the holiday season go hand in hand, but it’s also a hectic time of year when it’s easy to become overwhelmed. As you start planning your holiday projects, make things easier on you ...
Quick and Creative Upcycling Ideas: 3 Ways to Dress Up Glass Jars (Post)Creative people can easily come up with new upcycling ideas using everyday items, and this extends to items that are on their way to the trash bin. We all go through a mountain of glass jars ...
Gift Subscriptions (Page) Print Your Own Gift Subscription Announcement Cards (Page) Printable Gift Announcements (Page)All of our gift subscriptions come with personalized gift announcement cards that we tuck inside a premium envelope, seal with "A Gift for You" sticker, and mail to the recipient. Need it sooner? ...
Contact Us (Page)We're here to help! When you call, you will get to speak to a real live person who will take very good care of you. Toll-Free: (877) 782-6737 International: (949) 380 - 7318 ...