Washi tape is one of our favorite decorative art supplies! You can use it to adorn gift packaging, greeting cards, or even your keyboard. See below for a few fun projects to spark your creativity...1 ...
A Tour of Our Journaling Magazines (Post)Grab your favorite pen, a cup of coffee, and clear a few hours for yourself. As you wander through the pages of these publications, you’ll uncover a wealth of journaling inspiration. Shine a sp ...
Egg-cellent Ideas: The Art of Egg Decorating (Post)Eggs, for centuries, have served as a canvas for artistic expression, from intricate pysanky to delicate Cloisonné eggs. With the arrival of spring, the age-old tradition of egg decoration ta ...
All About Doodling: Add Personality to Your Art With Just a Pen + FREE Printable Worksheets (Post)When was the last time you picked up a pen and allowed your mind to quietly zoom out of focus as you doodled on the page (tablecloth, napkin?) in front of you? Much like the act of coloring, doodl ...
10 Ways to Use Vintage Photos in Mixed-Media Art (Post)Blog post by Amber Demien, editor of Art Journaling I often think that looking at mixed-media art is like a creative scavenger hunt or game of “I Spy.” The closer you look at a canvas or ...
Glimpse Inside October 2021 Issues + Your Chance to Win! (Post)Our seasonal celebration continues with our brand-new October issues! We are thrilled to introduce the latest installment of our annual edition, A Somerset Holiday. This edition comes around jus ...
5 Ornament Projects You Can Make Yourself! (Post)Is it just us or is crafting even more fun during the holiday season? Whether it's hand-stamped wrapping paper or a special ornament that can be displayed for years to come, there are countle ...
10 Ways to Use Tags in Your Art Journal (Post)Today the managing editor of Art Journaling, Amber Demien, stops by Somerset Place to share a variety of creative ways to use tags in your own journal! My favorite thing about mixed-medi ...
30 Art Journaling Tips From Mixed-Media Artists (Post)Art Journaling magazine always contains a wealth of advice from the artists who generously share their work within its pages. From practical tips to inspiring ideas and even motivational mess ...
Tree Book Project with Hand-Carved Stamps by Guest Artist Lynne Moncrieff (Post)We are thrilled to invite talented artist and frequent Stampington contributor, Lynne Moncrieff to the blog today! She is sharing a beautiful stamping project along with instructions on how to ...
12 Art Journal Pages That Capture the Essence of Each Month (Post)One of the many wonderful things about art journaling is that it allows us to capture the moments of our lives. We can look back through a journal and see those memories replay on the page, whether ...
Capturing Summertime in Your Art Journal (Post)Summer is a season synonymous with travel, outdoor adventures, and childhood memories — all of which are great topics to explore on the pages of your art journal! We’ve brought together a colle ...
45 Ways to Jump-Start Your Creativity (Post)Photo by Deeana Garcia At times, it can be difficult to get our creative juices flowing! That's why we asked a variety of artists how they jump-start their creativity. We were so insp ...
5 Simple & Creative DIY Gift Wrap Ideas (Post)With Christmas only 5 days away, many of us have quite a bit of wrapping to do! We always find that incorporating a creative touch to packaging is a simple way to make gifts more meaningful. Wh ...
6 Pumpkin-Themed DIY Craft Projects to Inspire Your Creativity This Autumn (Post)Autumn has officially arrived and we could not be more thrilled! Whether it be a centerpiece for the table, mantle decor, or a thoughtful autumnal gift, there are countless exciting ways to get yo ...
20 Tips to Overcome Artist's Block (Post)Photo by Anna Kern featured in In Her Studio Summer 2020 Creative block rears its head in many different ways, and sometimes taking the first step is the hardest part. For mixed-med ...
When the Political Feels Personal Altered Book Journal (Post)We're thrilled to share an article by Ana Campos that was originally featured in Art Journaling Winter 2017 and now reformatted to fit this space. Enjoy! Throughout my life, I have always kept a ...
Sentiments in Stamps: Your Guide to Stamping in Mixed-Media (Post)Stamps seem to be straightforward art supplies: apply some paint or ink, press onto a surface, and you get an image. But how mixed-media artists use stamps is anything but basic. Stamping in mixed ...
Advice from the Artists: Turning Your Passion into a Business (Post)Photo of Karen Valentine's space featured in In Her Studio Winter 2021 Our publication, In Her Studio Magazine, is dedicated to inspiring creatives. Amongst its page ...
Creative Storage Ideas with a Shabby Chic Twist (Post)Every spring season, we fall in love with shabby chic decor all over again. As you spring clean your space this season, add a dash of shabby chic style with these storage solutions! From desktop s ...
8 Habits that Spark Artistic Creativity (Post)Creativity is the soul of art, the essence that breathes life into every brush stroke, every word on the page, and every note in the composition. Yet, no matter how creative you are, everyone eventua ...
20 Creative Lettering Ideas (Post)Words are often a pivotal part of mixed-media artwork, ascribing a concrete message to otherwise symbolic thoughts and feelings. Whether on a canvas, assemblage, or art journal page, a well-cho ...
Finding Serenity in the Studio: Our Favorite Zen Creative Spaces (Post)Hobbies can be an expressive form of meditation — something you do to create a bit of peace and joy in your soul. And while some find peace and mental clarity in a garden or favorite book ...
Artful Building Blocks: 8 Mixed-Media Techniques for Beginners (Page)Somerset Apprentice magazine takes its readers by the hand to teach them the fundamentals of creating Somerset-style art — one basic step at a time. Today, we’re sharing some of our very ...
Get Published: Magazine Calls and Challenges (Page)See also: Submission Guidelines | Tips for Getting Published Which magazine are you interested in being published in? New in 2025! A Somerset Hallow ...