The wonderful thing about mixed-media is that anything goes, from materials, to topics, to techniques. But sometimes when you are faced with so many possibilities, you freeze with indecision. We’ ...
A Gift Guide for Artists & Creatives! (Post)Project pictured in A Somerset Holiday Volume 15 Do you have a friend who is constantly covered in paint, and proudly shows off her ink-smudged hands? Give the artistic wom ...
Creating a Mental Studio (Post)We're thrilled to welcome special guest, Elle Harris to Somerset Place to share a beautiful piece about creating inspiration around you. Featured photo by Marian Parsons; In Her Studio Spring ...
Finding Serenity in the Studio: Our Favorite Zen Creative Spaces (Post)Hobbies can be an expressive form of meditation — something you do to create a bit of peace and joy in your soul. And while some find peace and mental clarity in a garden or favorite book ...
30 Art Studio Organization Tips for the New Year (Post)When it comes to art studio advice, we’ve received a treasure trove of tips from the artists who have graced the pages of In Her Studio — but the artistic people who read those pages are ...
All About Doodling: Add Personality to Your Art With Just a Pen + FREE Printable Worksheets (Post)When was the last time you picked up a pen and allowed your mind to quietly zoom out of focus as you doodled on the page (tablecloth, napkin?) in front of you? Much like the act of coloring, doodl ...
Advice from the Artists: Turning Your Passion into a Business (Post)Photo of Karen Valentine's space featured in In Her Studio Winter 2021 Our publication, In Her Studio Magazine, is dedicated to inspiring creatives. Amongst its page ...
30 Art Journaling Tips From Mixed-Media Artists (Post)Art Journaling magazine always contains a wealth of advice from the artists who generously share their work within its pages. From practical tips to inspiring ideas and even motivational mess ...
20 Creative Lettering Ideas (Post)Words are often a pivotal part of mixed-media artwork, ascribing a concrete message to otherwise symbolic thoughts and feelings. Whether on a canvas, assemblage, or art journal page, a well-cho ...
Pressed Flower Art: What to Press and What Not to Press (Post)Knowing that flowers only bloom for a brief period adds to their transience. We naturally want to retain their beauty by pressing flowers and turning them into artwork. Practicing to press fl ...
12 Creative Collage Ideas to Explore (Post)Did you know the term "collage" comes from the French word "coller," which means "to glue"? Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, two instrumental figures in the Cubist movement, coined the wor ...